So first things first, strengths and weaknesses.
Great strengths to be had in creative writing and imagination, also a quick learner and very energetic.
Highly passionate, in depth knowledge of the horror genre as well as general film knowledge.
Socially very outgoing, always up for new things, willing to experiment.
Super nerd to the core.
Have experienced failure so very motivated to succeed. Failure sucks.
For weaknesses, I've never made a film in my life, even a short one, essay writing skills may be lacking after years of dis-use, some social difficulties regarding attending social events etc to overcome. Generally very disorganised, difficulty finding personal motivations. Prodigious procrastinator.
Have failed things before and thats been a huge hit to confidence which is at an all time low.
First aim is to improve social and organisation skills, create a fluid but still reliable weekly time table. Aim to become involved with at least 2 weekly social events e.g clubs and societies, pub nights, film nights etc.
To improve my film making skills in all areas with aim of being able to produce works entirely independently.
Not with this being my long term goal but it will be a handy set of skills to have and it'll be proof to myself that I am capable of learning and surviving and thriving on my own when I must.
I also want to create a stable of good friends and nerd bro's to role-play, read comics and generally geek out with.
I also want to have at least one major responsibility outside of my course or family life to help with motivation and planning as I generally perform best when I have something that absolutely needs or must be done.
And most of all to build personal confidence in myself and by the end of my full university tenure to be ready to go and make horror the recognised and rewarded genre it deserves to be.